Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day Two: Part One

Day Two of the training continues to be phenomenal. We went over logistics, but also got involved in many activities. The most enjoyable parts are the reflections of the purposes of these activities. I'm learning so much!

  • Build relationships during orientation, it's not at all a registration.
  • Take them out of the comfort zone to build confidence.
  • Good programs grow - watch the enrollment/applicant number.
  • You never stop being who you are during an activity/game.
  • Don't A-S-K, don't G-E-T.
  • Link Crew is not a rehabilitation program.
  • Good observations lead to good questions.
  • Fun is about everyone. Funny is about you, and usually at someone else's expense.
  • Less is more.
  • Slow down to go fast.
  • Experiences don't teach, the reflections do.
I spoke to one of the Link coaches about my observation (that I'm the only Asian here). Granted, it's a tough questions for him. It's sensitive and really not by his choosing. He was honest and said someone else mentioned that it is a "very white" conference. His answer was: schools will send who they send. I'm actually perfectly okay with that. It was beyond his role, and ultimately, it is the schools who chose the trainees.

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