Monday, November 30, 2020

Bonita Wellness Week 2020

From Instagram: bonita_asb We got Wellness Week 2020 coming up when we get back from Thanksgiving Break! This is what the weeks schedule looks like! 🥳 #aweyeahbearcats 💚🐾

Q and A with Mrs. Gossett and Mrs. Mathewson

Today we posted our question and answer session with Rachel Gossett and Alyson Mathewson. Thank you Rachel and Alyson for taking the time to answer questions and give advice to our students on self-care.  Here is a link to the video on Instagram:

It is also posted on Canvas (I’m not sure if this link will work for staff…but you can try):

Journaling Session

Tomorrow Adam Archibald and Ana Reatiga will be leading a journaling session on Zoom at 11:15am. If you’d like to sign up for their session, you can sign up here:

Thank you Adam and Ana for creating this session for us!

Paint Night

On Thursday at 6:00pm we will be hosting a Zoom where Luselia Marin leads us in a Paint Night. If you’d like to sign up for that you can go here:

Thank you for doing this for us Luselia!


Yogurtland Fundraiser

On Wednesday, from 2pm-6pm we have a fundraiser at Yogurtland in La Verne. We get 10% of sales.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Thank You Heidi

A fantastic gift from my sister in Dallas.  Life is good.  (From 11/27/2020)

Saturday, November 28, 2020

THE PAWSE -- SEASON 6 - Episode 6

From Mr. Eichen: "In this episode, we explore the magic of Zoom fails.  Special thanks to Kniss, Pocino, Casasola, Bickett and Baumgartner for being on the show and being willing to share their Zoom stories."

THE PAWSE -- SEAPON 6 -- Episode 5.5

Friday, November 27, 2020

Teacher Appreciation 2020


We have very supportive parents at Bonita.  This week, a family decided to treat all of the teachers on campus to a lunch before Thanksgiving break as a gesture of appreciation.  We got a lunch with Red Devil's Pizza and gifts from Chick-fil-A.  I am both grateful and spoiled.  Happy Thanksgiving.  (From 11/20/2020)

Thursday, November 26, 2020

ASAP - Mile 112 (Christmas 2020 Adopt a Family)

A Shoe Adoption Project Update:  I am donating three pairs of shoes to children in need.  Kathy (Size 2) is 12 years-old, Kimberly (Size 3) is 10 years-old, and Richard (Size 5.5) is 12 years-old.  Below is the message from my good friends Carolyn and Ty who help organize this year's Adopt a Family efforts.  The shoes were ordered on Sunday 11/22/2020 and delivered CC on 11/25/2020.  To keep everyone safe, I had them shipped directly to CC and Ty.  (From 11/25/2020)

Boys Grade School UA Pursuit (Blue)
Size 5.5 for Richard

Pre-School UA Pursuit BP AC Running (Pink/Gray)
Size 3 for Kimberly and Size 2 for Kathy

Hello Friends, 

We hope Everyone is doing well. Although 2020 has affected all of us in one way or another we still feel like we’re blessed and want to help out a family in need this Christmas.  

This year we have adopted the Gomez family.  

Sometimes a family just touches your heart so much you don’t think twice about helping.  We know they would never ask for assistance however we knew they were the ideal family this year.  Ive known her for approximately 14 years she’s a hardworking mom and this family is barely making ends meet. She recently, unexpectedly, lost her husband. She’s a young widow and has 3 children Kathy age 8, Kimberly age 10 and Richard age 12. I have never met her children but I spoke to them for the first time today they are the sweetest, most polite kids. I could  hear the gratitude in their  voice and words. It made me teary eyed.  With the loss of her husband and his income they would not have a holiday without us. Estella’s words to me yesterday were “I’m so sad my life will never be the same” 

I’m asking each of you to consider helping out with this family.  

Attached is their Christmas list. I will be taking donations up until December 20th. I am happy to come and pick them up from you too. They do not need to be wrapped however if you choose to wrap just attach the name to the gift. I know it’s a busy time for everyone I’m also happy to do the shopping for you. I’ll take donations through Venmo and Zelle. 

Thank you in advance for helping  to make the Gomez family a special one during their difficult times. 


Tyrone and Carolyn

As in previous years, if you are interested in helping, please contact Carolyn.  <>

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Bonita HS Pennant

I found a special prize in my classroom Friday morning just before Thanksgiving break.  It is this beautiful Bonita pennant.  More than ever, I am grateful for my work, my coworkers, and my students.  (From 11/20/2020)

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Uncomfortable Conversation with a Black Man - Emmanuel Acho (Book Read 2020)


This is a great read.  It's a wonderful follow up with details if you have watched his YouTube episodes of the same title.  I am not a fast reader but I finished this in about a week.  (From 11/21/2020)

Monday, November 23, 2020

Kaden's Drawing

Kaden is in my 7th period AP Calculus this year.  We've not met in person, but we appreciate each other's sense of humor.  Here is his drawing of me on a recent quiz.  (From 11/13/2020)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Bonita Teacher Appreciation Video from the Bui's Family

Here is an email from the Bui Family to the Bonita Family:

"Please enjoy and share this short video we made as a gesture of our appreciation for the challenging, yet effective school year.

We value the hard work and dedication of the Bonita High School Teachers and Staff.

Have a great Thanksgiving break. Many thanks and be well.

The Bui Bunch"

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Bonita Teacher Appreciation Drive-Thru

Bonita students surprised us with a caravan drive through.  Many parents and students drove by to say hello and thank you.  It was wonderful to see many students on campus, even though it was only for a brief moment.  Thank you to Ms. Pocino and Mr. McLuckey for organizing the event to make teachers feel special.  (From 11/18/2020)

Friday, November 20, 2020

Card from Sophie


Sophie wrote to me a beautiful message.  Her mom, who is an elementary school teacher, also sent me an extremely kind email this week.  I'm grateful to work with such wonderful students in a friendly community.  (From 11/13/2020)

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

I've Made My Plans for the Summer - LVYE Virtual Performance

My student Denny shared this student-led performance with me.  It features many of my students, Jason and Ahlitley are amoung the performers.  (From 11/4/2020)

Monday, November 16, 2020

Late Night Visit

Mrs. O'Grady and Mr. Eichen stayed late on Tuesday night filming dance videos with D-Street.  They were in the back teacher lot and saw me working in my room.  It took me a while to realize who they were since they were in the dark.  Mrs. O'Grady took a picture of me being silly.  (From 11/10/2020)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (Episode 10)

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (Episode 10)

Karens & Cancel Culture with Chelsea Handler (From 11/9/2020)

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Thank you Mrs. Redman


Thank you Mrs. Redman for more sweet treats. (From 11/2/2020)

Friday, November 13, 2020

BHS Senior Drive Through - Nov 4

Shared by Mr. Eichen (From 11/4/2020)

Monday, November 9, 2020

Distance Math Instruction Tool - New Mouse


My bluetooth wireless mouse I was using had some lag, I'm upgrading to a wired gaming mouse.  We'll see how it goes.  ABKONCORE A660 from Amazon $24 from teacher's personal budget. (From 10/19/2020)

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Distance Math Instruction Tool - Pccooler Laptop Cooling Pad


I purchased my own work laptop about two years ago.  It was a capable $700 HP Envy x360 from Costco.  Of course I had no idea about the transition to remote instruction at the time, now I realize the machine may be  a bit underpowered during instruction.  Particular, the laptop heats up while I run Zoom with MS Whiteboard which take up much of the processing power.  I'm trying this cooling pad to see if it can be a quick solution to the problem without investing in a new machine.  $27 @ Amazon.  (From 10/24/2020)

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (Episode 9)

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (Episode 9)

From YouTube: "Emmanuel Acho sits down with police officers from the Petaluma Police Department in Petaluma, CA. They discuss polarizing topics like defunding the police, Black Lives Matter, and accountability in the police force surrounding the tragic deaths of black civilians. " (From 11/1/2020)

Friday, November 6, 2020

Bonita Senior Drive-Thru Grad Pack 2020

Seniors drove onto campus for the first time since registration to pick up their graduation packets.  I was looking forward to this event and made a sign to welcome their return.  The theme is inspired by our daily Zoom meetings.  Just having a little fun.  (From 11/3/2020)


(Photo credit: Bonita USD Twitter)