Sunday, October 3, 2021

Pawsitivity Award #7

Greetings and Happy HoCo Week!

Last week, I was honored and humbled to receive the PAWSitivity Award from Ana Reatiga. Today, I get the honor of passing that award along.

With so many amazing people on this campus, picking an honoree is not an easy task, but I have chosen a person who embodies the Bearcat Spirit. This person is rightfully adored by staff and students alike because they radiate PAWSitivity in everything they do. From the classroom to the athletic fields to all the activities in between, this person strives to provide students with experiences that keep them plugged in here at school and prepare them for success in their future. In fact, pretty much everything that happens on this campus, everything that makes Bonita the amazing place that it is, goes through this person’s classroom(s) at some point.

I am speaking, of course, of the PAWSitivily radiant Julie Pocino. Thank you for all that you do for your students, for the staff, and for this school. You’re the best! 😊

Beth Oualline

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