Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Mt. Charleston 2018 Half & Full Marathon

This was my first Revel event. The Revel series is known for their downhill races that provide well-trained runners an opportunity to run their best. In addition to the course profile, this Saturday race also starts in the scenic Mt. Charleston near Las Vegas. I signed up for the half with the goal of running with my friend Carolyn's second half of her full marathon. I left school immediately on Friday and arrived Las Vegas in a little under five hours due to a few patches of slow traffic.

I caught up with my SoCal Pacer friends for dinner at the buffet at the Excalibur. Look out, Vegas, the party animals are here!

After a restless night, a group of us met at the hotel lobby at 3:30am. We began boarding the buses around 4am. 

Knowing that I would not start running for a few additional hours, I was overall very relaxed. It was great catching up with running friends. I rode the bus with Claudia from SCP and we chatted until it was gun time. Onto the starting line we go.

It was a beautiful day. Aside from some moderate winds, we also felt that the temperature was not going to be as cool as we would like for ideal running. There goes the half marathon start just minutes pass 6am.

Like our previous adventure in Issaquah, Washington, I would wait for Carolyn at Mile 13. Then we would run the last 13+ miles together to the finish line as friends supporting each other. 

I met Brent, from Utah, who was also there to run the second half with his friend. We talked about our favorite courses. Brent and his friend were to run at a 7:00 to 7:10 per mile pace. Speedy indeed.

I warmed up, cheered on runners, and hung out with the Mile 13 volunteers as I anxiously awaits Carolyn.

This is the leader, ahead by over 5 minutes at this point. I assume that he was also the eventual overall winner. Our friend Jerry was with the rest of the elite group shortly thereafter. He urged me to push Carolyn. Jerry finished his full marathon with a fantastic time. He is an amazing athlete.

Carolyn was running a perfect pace at the half. She is experienced and had a ton of self-confidence and self-belief at this point. We didn't need to say much to each other, she was feeling great. Her breathing was under controlled, her form looked awesome. I checked my pace several times on this first mile. Despite talking about it days ahead and really tried to hold back, our first mile together was still a bit faster than expected. Oh well, we ran the downhill portion of the course as controlled as we could have. We would stay on pace for the better part of the miles 13 to 20. During several sections, I tried to block some head-wind to conserve her energy. Who knows if that did anything. =)

Carolyn ran strong and under controlled. I firmly believe that she could have done this by herself. I was just a lucky and happy spectator. The grind began shortly after Mile 20. I motivated her by talking about our charity services and running Miles 21 and 22 for the kids we support.

Mile 23 to 25 were not easy. I'm pretty sure I said a bunch of non-sense to her to motivate her. She never stopped and never complained - she's a true fighter. And she runs for Kenzie! During these tough miles, we endured the heat and continue to pass many struggling runners. We also encountered other friends who helped us along the way, including CC2, Vic, Eric, and Doug. Staying as positive as we can helped us reach the final surge.

We ran in synchrony. I continue to try to motivate her to push every stretch. I had a hunch that a sub-four is within reach, but that's only if we keep moving. I tried to break down the last 5K into sections for her, urging her to give me a solid 800 meters here, another 2-minutes of her marathon pace there. She kept her determination, a quarter-mile at a time.

We closed the last mile as strong as we could have. Here, you can see that Carolyn is flying. I think her adrenaline is pumping and seeing friends along the finishing half-mile gave her an extra boost. I couldn't keep up. =)

A new personal record for Carolyn! It's gonna be close to our ultimate goal...there's a few moments of nervousness after we finished...did we meet the time goal...?

Meanwhile, everyone's favorite running friend, Leo, also ran a great race and charmed the ladies along the way.

SoCal Pacer President Patrice showed her toughness. It was a hot day but she kept fighting. You can see supporters Kathy, Eleanor, Karin, Jim, and others in the background.

Both CC's finished with excellent times!!!

Coach Brent was so proud of CC1. Brent had the perfect plan for CC1 to run her best marathon. I'm just fortunate and humbled to accompany the finished product of a well-trained athlete. 

Amazing athletes! I love the Breakfast Club runners!

The finishing area was very festive. There were cool towels and refreshment for finishers.

We anxiously approach the results tent for the official time...

On behalf of all of the participants - THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!!!

Her face says it all...How proud is she?!?

Who BQ'ed?  (Hint: Not me.) Show off that BQ tag!!!  What an epic achievement! She crushed her qualifying time by over five minutes!!! Incredible!

CC1's finisher medal, time card, and BQ tag!!!

Joyce also celebrated her finish of a half marathon.

More incoming Pacers: Patrice, David, and Vic.

A happy group hanging out in the finishing area! Extra honorable mention goes to Karin who ran a new PR for her strong half marathon. Thank you, Kathy and Jim, for supporting us. The temperature wasn't cool, but you guys are cool!

CC1 celebrated with her husband Ty. Ty had already prepared surprised gifts for CC1.

I joined SCP for a fantastic lunch at a Mexican restaurant Bonito. Also giving Eleanor a shout-out for her half-marathon. I didn't get a picture with her at the finish area. But we had a blast at Bonito.

Ricky ran a new marathon PR and is the selfie champ!

Ice-cream after Mexican food, can't say no to that! New PR for Carolyn M. also. 

The number line of the Chan Clan. All marathon finishers.

My TA and I made this for CC1 on Friday - we believe in you! I was rewarded with my second Mexican meal of the day and a second serving of ice-cream later that night with my running friends.

Revel picked the right models for their follow-up email. Go CC1 & CC2!

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