Thursday, May 10, 2018

ASAP - Mile 68 (Track Prodigy)

Shoe Donation Pair #105 and #106

A Shoe Adoption Project Update - We delivered two pairs of new running shoes to a freshman student who had lived under the foster program. She continues to have a challenging life outside of school. This student is an excellent track runner. Thank you, Mrs. Williams, for your communications. 

Under Armour Assert 6 (Womens 11)

361 Degrees Marshal Aruba/Midnight (Womens 11)

*I checked both Dick's Sporting Goods and Big 5 Sporting Goods. To my surprise, they rarely carry women size 10.5's. They only carry full women sizes 10 and above. In any case, I have offered this student an online purchase if she feels that these size 11's don't fit her needs.

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