Tuesday, June 2, 2020

THE PAWSE -- SEASON 5 -- Episode 18

Message from Mr. Eichen (Film Instructor).
Hi everyone,

We knew back in August that this season of The Pawse was going to be special – our 75th episode came out in March.  The silliness we had planned for turning 75 seems like a distant memory now, as this season will stand out for an entirely new reason.  It won’t stand out because of the global pandemic; it will stand out because the team decided on March 13, with the shutdown beginning, that the show must go on.  And it did.  The team produced 5 episodes, 4 half episodes, and held auditions for next year, completely from home.  As seniors, their raw emotion came out frequently, but they used that as a focus to keep going. 

And so, here we are, Episode 18.  I cannot be more proud of what these kids have accomplished.  We’ve talked a lot over the last few years about words like grit, perseverance, overcoming any obstacle set before us.  The Pawse actually did it though.  It was more than just words; they lived it.  Cole, Sofia, Sarah, Tess, Vanessa, and Omar have shown us that we can do anything.

Until Season 6, Enjoy:  https://youtu.be/vit8kGuzZnU


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