Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Be the Change

Instead of watching TV/movies during this social distancing period, I have been binge reading.  These two books are very topical during this intense social climate. (June 2020)

"One of the greatest social fears for a white person is being told that something that we have said or done is racially problematic...we often respond with anger and denial." (DiAngelo, p.4)

"To understand race relations today, we must push against our conditioning and grapple with how and why racial group memberships matter." (DiAngelo, p.11)

"The racial status quo is comfortable for white people, and we will not move forward in race relations if we remain comfortable." (DiAngelo, p.14)

"Asian Americans like me often feel like we live between two cultures, always viewed as outsiders, never fully fitting into either." (Su, p.153)

"Seeking justice builds in us a willingness to challenge the status quo." (Su, p.161)

"True freedom never comes without costs, relationship, or responsibility." (Su, p.183)

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