Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Pawsitivity Award #72

Hey All,

I wanted to thank Mrs. Raleigh for her nomination and kinds words. Mrs. Raleigh is one of many who has made me feel welcomed as a part of this amazing community we have at Bonita. I would like to pass on the award to Mrs. McGarvey. I have had the pleasure of conferring with Mrs. McGarvey numerous times over the past two school years to talk about students and discuss trends I see in the classroom. She always welcomes me with a smile and makes time to accommodate my inquiries. Mrs. McGarvey shows a depth of knowledge about our students (and teenagers in general) that I have found invaluable as a new teacher, and her empathy and desire to help each and every student embodies the ethos of what it means to be part of the bearcat staff. I hope that Mrs. McGarvey realizes just how important she is to students and teachers alike, and I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to get to know her. Cheers to you Mrs. McGarvey!




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