After an unexpected summer break due to Cal Poly's budget cuts, I returned to taking night classes in the Educational Multimedia program this Fall. My first night of class was extremely interesting. It was a DVD Productions course. I was expecting more of the same in terms of introductions to educational technology. To my pleasant surprise, the instructor taught the class as if we were film school students. It was his first day on campus, and because of technical difficulties, he couldn't present with his prepared PowerPoint slides. Though I was curious to see the quality of slides presented by a film instructor, I treasured last night's lecture very much. It is rare these days to sit through a lecture without PPT. And since most PPT decks are bad, many lectures are bad. Mr. Scott was so knowledgeable and fun to listen to that I was glad there weren't any PPT slides.
I now wonder how my students feel about my visual presentation each day. Are they so tired of it that they wish I wouldn't use it? As I was walking to my room this morning, I also wondered what it feels like to be a student walking into Mr. Yip's class each day.