Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Pawsitivity Award #50

Thank you Vanessa for thinking of me. I consider it a joy to work with you and all of the other counselors in our department. We can always count on each other and work together so well as a team. I appreciate all of you more than you know. J

With that being said, I would like to pass the Pawsitivity Award to another counselor in my department, Juli Creese. She is a someone that is patient, kind, and has a quiet grace about her. She probably attends more meetings than anyone on campus, and she works with a group of students and families that often have the greatest needs on our campus. Almost all of the students with 504’s and IEP’s are on her caseload. With all of that on her plate, Juli rarely complains and is always available to give a listening ear or an encouraging word. She truly cares about the students and families that she works with. Juli, I appreciate all that you do for your students and for our department, and I know the rest of the counseling department feels the same way. Thank you!

Happy Friday everyone!


Student Services Counselor

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