Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Bonita 2022-23 Classroom Setup

This has been a summer-long project.  The assembly really didn't come together until the week before school starts.  In the beginning of the summer, I worked on cutting shirts and framing them onto art canvases.  Throughout July and August, I worked on taping whiteboard posters onto foam boards.  To reinforce the boards, I surrounded the edges using heavy duty duct tape.  Using washers and screws, I secured the boards onto the back wall.  While the material cost was reasonable at around $200, it took many hours to assemble each board.  With the new podium, I am able to create a more symmetric classroom.  The goal is to allow for closer proximity to all students and space for stand up board work.  I wrapped up the wiring and furniture placement during the final days leading up to the first week of school.  (From 8/19/2022)

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