Saturday, December 4, 2021

Pawsitivity Award #15

From Mr. Wes...

Good Morning Everyone,

Two weeks ago I was honored to receive the prestigious Pawsitivity Award from my esteemed colleague and friend Chris Waters and I now get the honor of passing the torch to...

... Kari Redman!

Kari's positive impact on Bonita and everyone's experience working here is probably shared by most of us. When I first began at Bonita Kari was always a colleague I could ask for help and as we've worked together I've come to see why the students value and love her class. She truly cares about the students that come into her care and she makes it a point to be a positive influence in their lives. She knows how to meld the teaching aspect of the job with the nurturing side (which I admit I often lack) and I have heard many stories of students learning to love math and view it in a positive light after taking Kari's math courses. 

Even more, I always enjoy my interactions with Kari because she has an ability to make others smile and laugh which is a quality I truly value. She has passed that positive quality onto her children as is truly evident if you've ever had one as a student, and overall Kari's presence at Bonita truly makes it a more Pawsitive place. 

Congratulations and Thanks Kari! 

P.S. Make sure to ask her about her breakfast each day :)

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