Sunday, March 31, 2019

Feeling Blessed 2019

I feel very fortunate and happy everyday. I have a great family, great friends, a wonderful job where I'm working in a friendly and warm environment. Some days are very busy, but I enjoy what I do. I'm an ordinary person who is lucky to often made to feel extraordinary by those around me. Thank you, I am very grateful.  (From 3/25/2019).

Thank you again to the Twin Sisters for their decoration and brownies.

Amber predicts that I have 10 years left. Hahahaa, just kidding.

Ahlitney Pineapple!

I'm surrounded by a trio of young and talented math teachers.

Thank you, Apryl (aka my fav month). =)

Breakfast Club BFF Carolyn made me these special cookies!

Please tell me that this is not Dayton's cell phone screen background...

Saturday, March 30, 2019

ASAP - Mile 85 (Thank you Mark)

Thank you, Mark, for your generous donation to the shoe charity.  This will help me get more shoes for a cohort of teenagers were are under the services of the Foothill Family Shelter in Upland.  I will work on making the purchases of fitted shoes over my upcoming spring break.  As always, 100% of the donations go directly towards buying shoes for foster/homeless children in need.  Thank you. -Ricky
(From 3/23/2019)

Friday, March 29, 2019

Thank you, Amber, again

Amber surprised me again last Friday morning with a cup of hot green tea latte.  When I asked her what she got herself, she says she was out of money.  I told her not to buy me drinks.  Kids these days never listen....=)
(From 3/23/2019).

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Bonita Car Show 2019

Thank you to Ms. Englert and the Auto Tech program for this fun and family friendly event.  Student performers were also fantastic.  Go D-Street!  
(From 3/23/2019).

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Student-Made Memes 2019 Week 10

Week 10 Reddit/Discord/Insta (by Tyron) 3/12/2019

Week 9 Chip on a Yip (by Samuel) 3/7/2019

Week 8 Bane (by Tyron) 3/1/2019

Week 7 Dominoes (by Samuel) 2/22/2019

Week 6 Bald and Powerful (by Tyron) 2/15/2019

Week 5 Tin Tin (by Samuel) 2/8/2019

Week 4 Spiderman (by Tyron) 2/1/2019

Week 3 iCarly (by Samuel)

 Week 2 Star Wars Trilogy (by Tyron)

Week 2 Star Wars Trilogy (by Tyron)

Week 2 Star Wars Trilogy (by Tyron)

Week 1 Thanos (by Samuel)

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

AP Statistics Comparing Two Means

AP Statistics Activity: We've done many candy related inferential procedures this year.  On Wednesday, we compared the mean number of pieces of candies between Junior Mints and Junior Caramels.  (From 3/13/2019).

Monday, March 25, 2019

Thank You Sumi

Sumi and friends visited UC Irvine last Friday on their day off from school.  She brought back for me this souvenir from her campus visit.  By all accounts, the students loved the beautiful green campus.  (From 3/14/2019).

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Action Night 2019 - Score Keeper

It was a fun night of intense games and competitions. The juniors pulled off a great class dance and kept the lead throughout the night.  Thank you to the ASB / Class Council leaders for all of their efforts.  I join Mr. Wes in helping out with the scores.  (From 3/15/2019)

Friday, March 22, 2019

Bonita Comedy Sportz 2019

This felt like an extremely long school week.  Thank you to the comedy club for providing some much needed laughter.  (From 3/14/2019)

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Bonita Pi Day 2019

I got a Dutch apple pie to share with the faculty on Pi Day.  Thank you to Mrs. Verti for setting the dessert counter at the faculty lounge.  Thanks to Mrs. Vandenberg for the creative Pi cupcakes.  I bought Pringle's for my classes.  Pringles have the letters P and I, the tubes also come in cylindrical shapes.  That's good reason enough. (From 3/14/2019).