Thursday, October 25, 2018

Treasure Hunt for Camille and Tracy

Earlier last week, two of my top juniors students Camille (AP Calc + AP Stats) and Tracy (AP Calc) surprised me with an iced milk tea during lunchtime. Later that week, I went to the 7-Leaves Cafe in Chino Hills on a Thursday night and got them two green mung bean teas. Just for fun, I sent them around campus on an impromptu treasure hunt on Friday. I put the first hint in an envelop to be opened by both girls. (From 10/19/2018)

1a) Go behind Yip's LA Marathon medal in the classroom.

1b) Head Wes (Mr. Wes) and check the top of his microwave.

2) Look under this former police officer's (Mr. Bell) foosball table.

3) Mr. Awww Yeah (Mr. Baumunk) has an office. Go look under his keyboard.

4) Mr. Drama Director (Mr. Frederick) also coaches Improv, check under his chair.

5) Mr. Conspiracy Theory aka Super AP US History Teacher (Mr. Mullen) has a clue under his mousepad.

6) Back to Mr. Yip's room and check under his cylindrical thirst quenching liquid container (aka HydroFlask).

7) The treasure has been in the "coolest box" in room 811 (refrigerator) all along.

The rule was that they couldn't bother other classrooms during class time. They did the great and completed the mission during intervention. They received two cold drinks, which they consumed during lunch. =) Thanks to all the teachers who allowed for this silliness on a Friday.

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