Thursday, June 4, 2015

Closing Year #10

This is my first outdoor graduation as a teacher.  It was a pleasant afternoon, the seniors were well behaved.  Everything went very smoothly, it reflected my tremendously rewarding school year.  We are very proud of this graduation class.  Particularly, I am extremely happy for my 35 AP Statistics seniors.  Best wishes in your upcoming journeys. Go Bearcats!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Count Down Poster

During the last month of school, the Leadership class reminded the seniors of the number of school days remaining with this poster.

Monday, June 1, 2015

My 500th Post!


Using the iPad Mini that my brother gave me as a birthday present, I am able to easily capture a collage of the images in "Mr. Yip's Snapshots".  The pictures build a colorful collage, which reflects the colorful life of a math teacher.  I am grateful for all of the support from my wonderful circle of family, friends, and coworkers.