Friday, March 17, 2023

Pawsitivity Award #46


Thank you for the award and generous words. I'm really happy here at Bonita and look forward to coming in every day to work on cars with the kids.

I'm going to frisbee the Pawsitivity Award over to my neighbor back here in the corner (Brian Harrison). From the beginning, Brian has always been there to bounce ideas off of. He has an amazing art program here at Bonita that produces a lot of creative work from talented students. We have shared many students over the few years I have taught at BHS and only hear positive comments from them all. If you have a chance go back to visit his classroom and check out the work that is being created and the amazing murals on the walls. We both like cars and Brian has owned some cool ones over the years. Ask him sometime about his BMW. I really appreciate you mentoring me through my teaching credential and look forward to seeing the work that continues to come out of your classes.


Mr. Rob Zamboni
Bonita High

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