Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Pawsitivity Award #44

Doug – I truly appreciate the award!  I agree 100% that we have an incredible staff and I too am honored to be part of a talented and selfless staff.  Teaching freshmen with new curriculum in a non-science classroom is admirable.  I appreciate your flexibility for sure but mostly, Doug, I am thankful for the value you place on creating a positive classroom community where students can learn biology and persist as science students.  So glad you are a Bearcat and part of the Science Team J
Teaching 5 periods of sophomores as a first year teacher
Teaching those sophomores with joy and passion and commitment (and a contagious smile)
Thoughtfully meeting the needs of a diverse group students
Completing Induction like a CHAMP – never stressing, never complaining and always thoroughly and on time
Commuting from the OC
Coaching La Crosse  
Finding the balance with life as a teacher

JAZMINE – you certainly deserve the Pawsitivity Award  - you are an amazing first year teacher!  I am so glad you are part of the Bearcat Family and I am impressed with your willingness to be the best teacher to the kids entrusted to you – EVERY DAY J 

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