Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Pawsitivity Award #36

Good morning!  Thank you so much Brandy for passing me the Pawsitivity Award- you truly made my week.  I feel so fortunate to work with such a supportive and creative staff.  You have made my day easier and better every day since you started here.  I appreciate you as my co-worker, and as my friend.  As I look to pass on that Pawsitivity, I must pass it on to Senora Carmen Hart!  Carmen steps up to help those around her- whether it be students, staff, or the community.  She is creative and dynamic in the classroom and students love to learn from her.  She has made such a difference here at Bonita- both in the classroom and on campus.  Countless times she has helped me in a bind, whether it is needed ingredients, being a guest judge, or even being our gate key hero in the rain!  Carmen is always willing to help out and give it her all.  She truly thinks about doing what is best for students, and for her Bonita community.  Thank you Senora Hart!


Laurie Brandler

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