Saturday, April 16, 2022

Pawsitivity Award #26

From our Athletics Director Mr. Baumunk (4/7/22)...

Good Evening Everyone:


First of all, I want to thank Janet Murphy for giving me the Pawsitivity Award!


Second, I know this is going off the script but I am going to recognize and say thank you to more than one person for this award because of what they have done for the Athletic Department for the last 2 Wednesdays at our Track Meet!!  Yes, some of these people have already received the award but some haven’t and I am sorry but I can’t let this go by.  Thank you to the following people and I am recognizing you guys for the Pawsitivity Award on behalf of the Athletic Department.  Thank you for helping out and supporting our Student Athletes!!  Very much Appreciated!! We were shorthanded but your help was greatly appreciated.


Taylor Barrios

Kari Redman (Please thank your husband as well!!)

Amanda Seibert (Please thank the 2 ULV trainers as well!!)

Jordan Dynes

Eric Asencio

Juan Guzman

Vanessa Tilford


If I forgot anyone I am sorry.  Thank you again and stop by my office for those of you who have not received this award yet to sign the back of it and you can recognize someone else!!

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