Monday, August 10, 2020

Tools for AntiRacist Teaching Ep. 1 by PBS Education

Tools for AntiRacist Teaching:Deepening Your Understanding of Race & Racism
by PBS Education

Teachers, you’re invited to an exclusive live conversation with Dr. Bettina Love, Julia Torres of Educolor, and Loira Limbal of Firelight Media.

As educators, we have a deep responsibility to confront racial injustice, and ensure that we create anti-racist classroom environments. This includes our own ongoing reflection and learning. In this one hour event, we will explore the role media plays in our collective understanding of race and racism, and how educators can use media to disrupt white supremacy and systematic oppression of Black people in America. This is a live event, so you will have the opportunity to ask our guests questions. Come prepared for a rich, deep, and honest conversation that will not only help you gain a deeper understanding of the roots of systemic racism, and how anti-Black racism impacts our daily lives, but also guide you as you reflect on your own role and responsibilities as an educator.

PBS Digital Innovator All Star/PBS KIDS Early Learning Champion Mike Lang and Roshanna Beard will guide this conversation.

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