Monday, October 14, 2019

Bonita - Remember Mr. Rosenberg

Our heartfelt thoughts and condolences go to the Rosenberg Family.  We thank and remember Mr. Rosenberg for all of his contributions to Bonita as a teacher and as a coach.  A few years ago, I had the pleasure of being in Mr. Rosenberg's room for two days of senior boards.  He was extremely easy to talk to, he shared with me his love for photography and for reading.  Below are a few pictures of his work, my images here do not capture his amazing photography.  (From 10/10/2019)

An email from Dr. McGarvey regarding the photo above:  

"This photo always reminds me of Andy. It was taken by Senior Isabella Wrightstone when she was a Sophomore taking my Graphic Design class. Andy saw it in the art show that year and just raved about it. He told me it should be in a Mikasa advertisement.  I learned this week that even though he didn't know her as a student that he emailed Isabella and told her that she did a wonderful job. Isabella would have been in his Government class next semester.​

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