Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Most Epic Jenga 2019

We played the most epic round of Juggling Tower (Jenga) in the history of the world.  Andrew, Dayton, Amber, Camille, and Yip battled with our eating utensil of choice: chopsticks versus plastic fork/spoon.  The game was played on the heavy metal stool, sitting on top was a glass jar of origami paper cranes, the wooden pieces sat on top of Mr. Wes's photo. We went on and on without a clear loser.  Camille had to leave for 4th period, the tower eventually tumbled with an integrated math III student Reese was invited to use her finger to move a piece.  What an epic way to end AP Statistics with some of the top students at Bonita.  Please pardon Amber's foul language in the video. (From 5/31/2019)

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